Hello all,
This Sunday we celebrate the birth of the Church, when we received the Holy Spirit from Jesus on Pentecost!
Many people began going out into the world to share the good news of the gospel, to serve others, and to rejoice for what God has done in their lives.
The earliest churches were quite small, meeting in people's homes and preaching on the street. Today we have more church buildings than we know what to do with but the party has moved on to different venues for some communities. This shift in where God calls us to be the Church has been a cause of grief for some and an exciting wake-up call to action for others.
In every age, the Holy Spirit continues to empower, convince, and encourage us of God's will for justice, love, and mercy. We wear red on Pentecost to represent the fiery passion of the Spirit.
What's one way you've seen the Spirit at work several years ago? What's one way you've seen the Spirit at work today?
Blessings on your journey,
Rev. Marcus C. Lambright - Pastor at CPC
Want to learn more about Pentecost? Click here or go to Acts 2:1-13 in your bible.
Want to talk? Contact me: phone (908)232-9490, ext 2
or email Pastor@CPCMountainside.org