Mountainside's first MLK Day of Service event was a terrific success!
Thanks to event planners, all donors, our event sponsor, Chip + Birdie's virtual golf venue, our speakers, and all who attended, this inaugural event enabled participants to serve the needs of others through sandwich-making, packing lunches, creating "Hugs-in-a-Mug," and coloring and note-writing to lift the spirits of others.
Such service was intended to provide the opportunity to embody the spirit and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who led through action, advocacy, and love of others.
Participants prepared over 200 lunches, which will be distributed by Bridges Outreach to food-insecure individuals; assembled and wrapped over 30 "Hugs" to be sent to those who advocate for the rights of others; and created over 50 drawings and notes to uplift the spirits of people involved in justice-related efforts.
Mountainside Mayor Paul Mirabelli welcomed participants, and then guest speaker Marklyn Johnson entertained and educated by sharing experiences and insight about the meaning and importance of recognizing Dr. King. Missed Mr. Johnson's speach? Listen here.
Also part of the day was the availability for viewing the submissions to the Mountainside MLK Art Contest! Artwork from all student age groups created a wonderful exhibit, which is now available the Community Room in the municipal building so all artwork can be enjoyed by the public. The judges will determine the winners, and all are welcome to attend the reception on Tuesday, Feb 4 at 7:00pm, at which time the winners will be announced. We hope you take some time to enjoy the exhibit!
Thank you to all who participated and/or supported this event!
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Link to press release about the event.