On January 20, from 10am - noon at CPC, join town officials, the scouts, church members, and your neighbors to participate in the inaugural Mountainside Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Service event!
The event will be at the Community Presbyterian Church, 1459 Deer Path, in the Assembly Room (enter from the parking lot behind the church) and include several hands-on service projects to benefit persons-in-need, an "Education Corner" with opportunities to learn more about MLK and his work, the art contest display, and light refreshments. Also, Mountainside Mayor Mirabelli and Marklyn Johnson will speak on the relevance of the day to us all.
All ages are welcome! The projects include coloring, writing notes, making sandwiches, packing lunches, assembling "Hugs in a Mug" etc.
To volunteer to donate items for the service project, sign up here. Or, just show up, help, learn, and enjoy yourself!
Questions? Contact the office at CPC by email: Office@CPCMountainside.org.