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Lent - Getting closer to God
This week, we find ourselves at the beginning of Lent, the season of reflection and prayer that prepares us for Holy Week (Palm Sunday,...

Taking a moment
Hello friend ~ Next week we being our Lenten journey together with our siblings in Christ (Matthew 4:1-11). There is a lot going on in...

It's almost Soup-er Bowl Sunday!
So, maybe you've heard, there's a big, really BIG, SUPER football game this Sunday, February 11 ~ But did you also know that it is SOUPer...

Why can't I see God?
"Why can’t we see God?” - A Curious Kid Dear Curious Kid, The Bible actually has a few stories of people seeing God, but that doesn’t...

Want to lend a "sweet" hand?
On Sunday, February 4 after 10:30am worship (ie, about 11:30am), join us in the CPC Assembly Room (downstairs) to join in the sweet...

How do we impact each other?
Hello all, In 1 Corinthians, Paul writes to the churches in the region of Corinth about their life in the Church. This week the...

Are you a "troublemaker?"
Hello All ~ Earlier this week, millions of people celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 's birthday, a federal holiday since 1983 and a...

The selling of God's children
Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Human trafficking is a modern day slavery of global proportions. Trafficking is not something...

“Why does God have so many houses?”
A curious kid asked me: “Why does God have so many houses?” Dear Curious Kid, What a great question. Where do you think God lives?...

Prayer for the new year
Hello all, My simple prayer for you today is for care and support in your time of need; warmth and joy at unexpected times; curiosity and...

As the New Year approaches...
Pastor Marcus Lambright shares his thoughts: Hello all, As we approach the end of this year and the beginning of the next, we do so with...

All are welcome!
Are you looking for a way to celebrate Christmas Eve? Or curious about worshipping on this special day? Join us here at CPC! All are...

Fourth Week of Advent - Love
Hello all, As we welcome the coming of our Lord on Christmas, this week we remember the unending love of God. Love that cannot be...

Week of Joy
On the third Sunday of Advent, we light the candle representing Joy. Pastor Marcus shares with us the following: This week in Advent we...

Week of Peace
On the second Sunday of Advent, we light the candle representing Peace. Pastor Marcus shared with us the following: For the second week...

Welcome to the week of Hope!
“Advent” means “coming” or “arrival.” During the season of Advent, we celebrate Christ’s coming into the world and watch with expectant...

Advent Bible Study begins Sunday
While it's only November, the Advent Season is nearly upon us! Do you want to learn more about Advent? Here's a quick resource:...

Sprinkle that kindness everywhere!
In honor of World Kindness Day (11/13/23), we encourage everyone to share a bit of kindness to someone else - today and everyday! The...

Want to learn more about CPC?
Attend our Annual Meeting! The ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING of Community Presbyterian Church of Mountainside will be held on Sunday,...

Have an extra turkey?
We'll take it! It's that time of year again! Time for the CPC Annual Turkey Drive to benefit friends in the city of Elizabeth via the...
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